Saturday, December 14, 2013

Advent Answers #3

Could you really live on a diet of locusts and wild honey, as the Bible tells us John the Baptist did? Nutritional information would suggest that you can. Locusts are an excellent source of protein, with an average of 50-60% protein in terms of dry weight--higher than beef! They also contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats and moderate levels of iodine, thiamine, riboflavin and other vitamins and minerals. And honey is believed to be considerably better for you than refined white sugar. So...could a "John the Baptist Diet" be the next big fad?

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Advent Answers #2

Why don't we sing the Gloria at mass during advent? The Gloria is not sung during advent in order to emphasize its return at Christmas with the joy of the coming of the Messiah. The season of advent is a time of penance and anticipation, and removing the Gloria from mass is a concrete reminder.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Advent Answers

Ever wonder what the Advent Wreath means?? All of the greens of the wreath signify the immortality of our soul and everlasting life God has promised to us. The circle signifies God’s eternity. There is a candle for each of the four weeks of Advent. The purple candles symbolize the prayer, penance, and preparatory sacrifices and good works during these weeks. The rose candle is for Gaudete Sunday, the Sunday of rejoicing, because we are at the half-way point of Advent. Finally, the light signifies Christ!