Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vocal Recording - entire choir

Everyone came together mid-afternoon for our big group recording portion. Due to the microphones used, we had to be very close together in a small area for our sound to be picked up. Someone popped into the chapel while we were recording and later commented how 'together' we sounded. I had to inform her that we were so coordinated because we had headphones to hear the instruments, but to the casual observer/listener, they would only hear our vocal performances and be impressed by our in tune, in rhythm singing :)

It was a beautiful afternoon, and we took advantage of it at the break to 'soak up some sun'!

Vocal Recording - 1st group

We had a great time recording. More time was spent adjusting volumes, microphones, music stands, etc. We had people with sore throats, scratchy throats, allergies, the start of a head cold, etc. But we made through!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

One Last Time???

Well, we had one last vocal music practice before the weekend. Went very well, and it was time to prepare for Saturday recording!

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Last full practice

Well, we now know that our practice was successful :) Photos from our last full group rehearsal before the concert. It was after spring break, and yet we were able to come together and make it happen. We also tried our concert layout - how to set up for Sunday. It was a challenge to have a workable layout, without moving too many major pieces (drums, risers, etc), and still be able to see everyone. It was also the first time we introduced our 2 potential bonus songs that we weren't recording for the CD, but added to our concert list. So, for being the first time rehearsing them as a group (and not everyone was there), we did pretty well!

Vocal Recording & Concert - check

We're getting closer to the completion of our project! What a weekend. Not so great for the vocal cords, but boy, it was fun :) Thanks to everyone who participated, attended and supported. Details to follow.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Today is our 2nd recording session

Time flies - the big weekend is here :) One of my musicians informed me via text at 12:15 AM that she had a cough and sore throat! And no, it wasn't April Fools anymore. Hopefully she will recover quickly! And so the adventure continues :)